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The Brilliance Series: Structural

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at each of the seven Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the gifts of each Attribute. This week, we’re exploring Structural. 

An Overview

While I know this is the overview section, I’m going to share a few more details about the Structural Attribute because that is what a person with this preference would appreciate! Structural Thinking is often known for its task-oriented, thorough approach. I have had colleagues compare it to using a fine-toothed comb.

The Structural Attribute likes to be prepared for all of the possible outcomes to avoid unexpected surprises. Structural thinkers typically embrace a common-sense attitude and appreciate that if a process is not broken, there is no need to fix it.

The Attribute also values protocols. By following guidelines and attending to each step (in order), people with a tendency for Structural thought feel confident that they will meet their objectives. These brilliant thinkers tend to embrace plans, lists and agendas.

Some of the words that are often associated with the Structural preference include:

The Inner Monologue

To learn more about the burning questions and inner dialogue that come from the Structural Attribute, you can find a 1 minute and 36 second video clip below.

The Brilliances

With their appreciation for the details and the process, Structural thinkers have many gifts to bring to their teammates, organizations, friends and family. Some of the capacities you may notice include:


If you have a Structural preference and find yourself in need of some inspiration, I invite you to write the ideas below on a piece of paper that you can keep handy and identify ways to integrate these suggestions into your day-to-day.

For readers who may be interested in boosting motivation in others who have a preference for Structural Thinking, reflect on how often you engage in these practices and determine any opportunities to put them into action.

Flexing Into Structural

To bring the best out of someone who has a Structural preference, it’s important to find ways to flex. For those who may not innately have this tendency, pick something from the list below to start implementing today.

I hope these insights provide you with new tactics to boost your Structural superpowers and support anyone in your life who may have this preference. One of my teammates will check in next week with a look at our next Attribute: Social.

Explore the other entries in our series: Analytical [1], Social [2]Conceptual [3], Expressiveness [4], Assertiveness [5] and Flexibility [6].

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